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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

How to Avoid Phishing

Phishing is the scam that refers to sending out fake emails for deriving financial and private information from the recipients. If you click on any link, you will be taken to a false website and asked for certain information; this information will be later recorded for logging into your bank account or credit card for the purpose of stealing your money.

If you want to avoid phishing, there are certain steps that you need to follow.

•Step 1: Make sure that your antivirus is updated; this will help a lot in decreasing the phishing attacks considerably.

•Step 2: Avoid clicking on any hyperlinks provided in emails, especially when it is from unknown sources.

•Step 3: For minimizing the phishing attacks, you must have the anti-spam software installed.

•Step 4: Verify the “https://”, make sure this is present in the address bar rather than http://. Also ensure that the webpage is truly encrypted.

•Step 5: You can use a desktop and network firewall. Once the firewall is incorporated, it will be able to prevent the malicious code from getting into your system and hijacking your browser.

•Step 6: you may configure the hosts file to read only mode for alleviating the problem of phishing.

In case you are still facing problems, you may contact a remote computer repair provider for PC repair.

Friday, March 25, 2011

How to Keep Your Inbox Zero ?

If you want to stop your inbox from clogging, you can remove the clutter and bring down your inbox to having no emails at all. You will find that a bulk of the mails are useless, which you do not require. There are also mails which require instant attention and mails which may be of interest at a later stage. Ensure that you maintain your inbox well. There are certain simple steps that you must follow for helping reduce the burden from your inbox.

•Step 1: Decide on the time you can allot for checking emails every day. Note that the emails must be processed during this specified time.

•Step 2: You can set up filters for effective inbox management. The filters can do away with the unwanted messages in your inbox.

•Step 3: Have a scheduled time period on a daily basis to act on the emails you should and then process your inbox to zero .

•Step 4: You can have folders for unimportant email messages like online registration forms, newsletters, as well as acknowledgments.

•Step 5: Keep checking the emails everyday and delete emails that are unimportant. Place the important mails in a separate folder so that you can access them readily whenever you want to.

If you still require help for keeping your inbox clutter free, you can ask for the computer repair services UK for tech support.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How to Send Bulk Emails

What do you understand by bulk emails? This is actually referred to the system of sending an email to many recipients at the same time. The number of recipients in this case may vary. This is a concept which is specially followed by the many companies and business groups for the purpose of marketing their products and services. For sending effective bulk emails, you need to follow certain steps.

•Step 1: Check how you are writing your email. Make sure you write by including all the details that your recipients require knowing.
•Step 2: There should be the right subject line for sending the bulk email. This subject line should be related to your message. Do not use subject lines that will make the recipients block the email message due to spam.
•Step 3: For keeping your bulk mail separate from the spam mails, you need to have accurate headers.
•Step 4: After you have the appropriate email message for sending as bulk email, make sure that you fill the fields that are marked as BCC. This will send your bulk email to a number of recipients and at the same time keep the email addresses of them private. All the recipients will get to see only their email address and not the other recipients’ addresses.

If you are still not being able to send the bulk mail, contact the computer repair services UK for tech support.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How to Set Virtual Memory in Windows XP

If you have the right amount of virtual memory in your computer system, your Windows XP operating system’s performance will be enhanced. Note that choosing unacceptable values will make your computer slow down. The data that is used by your computer frequently is stored in the Main memory, but usually the memory space is too less to store all the data that used by your machine. This is where the Virtual Memory is required. If you get the message ‘Virtual Memory minimum too low’, you have to follow some steps to fix the issue.

•Step 1: Go to Control Panel

•Step 2: Access System and then go to Advanced

•Step 3: You have to click on Settings under the Performance category

•Step 4: You have to choose the Advanced tab again

•Step 5: In the last category, which is Virtual Memory, click on Change for changing the values.

You will get all your partitions in a list. You have to specify the space virtual memory for each partition. Choose ‘Custom Size’ for the partition where you want to make virtual memory. Make sure that you specify the maximum and initial memory. Put a value that is equal to your RAM memory for the initial size and for the maximum size, put a value that is double your RAM memory.

In case you still have Virtual Memory problems, you have to contact a remote computer repair provider for assistance.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

How to Open a .MDF File

The .MDF extension format is required when a backup of the data is made on the DVDs or the CDs. The .MDF files can be used like an actual disk, and you do not have to insert the disk into the computer system again.

•Step 1: Download the .MDF file openers. You may use the trial versions or the free software downloads.

•Step 2: After you finish downloading, you may install the .MDF file opener. You may wish to disable the option of including in the tool bar the .MDF file opener during installation. If you are not requiring it often, there is no need to clutter your tool bar.

•Step 3: Go to the .MDF file and in the file dialog box click on open. The appropriate disk image will be loaded by the .MDF file opener. The software will ask you to confirm if that is the file you want to convert.

•Step 4: You may also drag the .MDF file in the application window for opening the .MDF file.

•Step 5: The .MDF file opener can also help you copy a file. With the .MDF file opener open, you will also be able to drag and drop the folder into the file opener for copying the desired files.

•Step 6: Add the files in an existing .MDF folder. You may access the file menu to go to ‘Add File’ for selecting the file that you want to add. You may click on Open for returning to the original menu.

If you still face problems in opening .MDF files, you can contact a remote computer repair provider for assistance.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

How to Show CD Drive Letter in My Computer ?

When you start your machine, you will find that Windows detects the CD-ROM drive. The green led blinks to show that CD-ROM drive power is on. However, you may find that there is no CD drive letter or icon in the Windows Explorer or My Computer for you to use. If you can relate to this annoying situation, know what you need to do. You may try out the following steps if you are using Windows 95/98/98SE/ME operating systems. These steps can also work with other versions.

Step 1: Start your system and then right click on the My Computer icon.

• Step 2: You will get a drop down menu, where you need to select the Properties icon. Now the system properties window will open for you.

• Step 3: Now click on the Device Manager tab

• Step 4: You have to go to the ‘hard disk controllers’ option and click the small + symbol that is located to its left.

• Step 5: Next click on Intel/Via ‘PCI bus master IDE controller’

• Step 6: At the bottom of the system properties window, you will find the Properties button, click on it.

• Step 7: Go to Settings and now change the Dual IDE channel setting to ‘Both IDE Channels Enabled’

• Step 8: Now hot OK and restart your machine

• Step 9: The problem should be solved now.

If you are still having problems, you may call remote computer repair service for tech support.